Wednesday 15 January 2020

Biaya hidup di Sydney 2020 mahal???

Helloow, apa kabar dunia? Kali ini mau sharing soal biaya hidup di Sydney, Australia. Tahun 2o2o atau tahun kemari 2019 sebenernya ga beda jauh sih. Intinya yang hampir semua orang bilang kalau biaya hidup di Australia tinggi, apalagi di Sydney which is big city, so bener ga sihhh? Mari buktikan!!!
Okay, seperti yang sudah-sudah sebelumnya sempet kujelasin, segala perhitungan bills seperti gaji, tagihan-tagihan, termasuk biaya kost, hitungannya adalah per minggu, atau per 2 minggu (alias fortnightly). So aku mau jabarin biaya hidup di Sydney-Australia per minggu. 1. Tempat tinggal 120~150$ AUD per person. Di kota-kota besar seperti Sydney, untuk yang mau tinggal di pusat kota (biar kemana-mana gampang dan deket critanya), paling murah 140-150$ AUD per minggu per orang (bukan per kamar yahhh). Kondisinya biasanya di sebuah apartemen dengan 2 sampai 3 kamar, dan 1 kamar isinya 2 sampai 4 orang.  Bahkan kadang living room dibuat sekat kecil dan disewakan juga jadi kamar tidur. Hell yeah.... Tentu kalau mau yang lebih mahal ya banyak. Tapi ini bicara paling murah ya, dan biasanya cocok buat anak-anak whv or student yang tujuannya kemari working, earn money dan saving. Nah kalau di suburbs ya, agak jauh dikit dari pusat kota, biasanya kondisinya seperti rumah dengan 4-5kamar, tapi 1 kamar biasanya cuman 1-2orang aja. 120$ AUD dapet tuh per week per person. Baik di city or di suburb, harga-harga tersebut biasanya udh termasuk bills air listrik dan ada beberapa yang menyediakan tissue dan sabun cuci piring. Ada juga yang nyediain bumbu dapur dan beras. Ada juga yang ga termasuk apa2 loh, jadi harus siap-siap split bill kl ada tagihan datang. 2. Transportasi 50$ AUD per person. Yap untuk transportasi di Sydney, semua pakai kartu Opal (bisa juga pake kartu atm Australia atau credit card). Untuk naik kereta, ferry dan bus tinggal tap tap tap. Tap on dan tap off itu wajib.
Kartu opal bisa didapatkan di minimart terdekat, atau di stasiun2 kereta, oh di bandara juga ada. Kartu opal itu sendiri gratis, cuma kamu harus isi saldonya pertama kali 10$ apa 20$ gitu deh, selanjutnya tinggal di isi ulang kalo saldonya mau habis. Biaya transportasi di Sydney gampang banget, ga kaya di Melbourne yang agak ribet itungannya. Disini seminggu itungannya maksimal 50$ AUD, per hari maksimal 16.10$ AUD, dan khusus hari minggu maksimal 2.80$ AUD. Berlaku untuk bus, train dan ferry ride (kecuali intercity area yah alias keluar kota). Dan kamu ga perlu pusing daftar atau beli tiket terusan, karena sistem opal akan otomatis kalkulasi how much money you spend on transportation weekly.
Oh ya seperti biasa, di Sydney ada memberlakukan jam-jam pulang pergi kantor alias peak/off time.  Senin-Jumat 7am-9am, dan 4pm-6:30pm adalah waktu peak times, jadi lebih mahal. Tapi ga usah pusing, kalau kamu emang mobile banget, kerja dimana-mana, pokoknya seminggu 50$ AUD pokoknya. 3. Meals & amenities 25-40$ per week per person. Kalau untuk cost makan, yaaaa ga di Darwin, ga di Melbourne, ga di Sydney, semua krg lebih sama sih. Tergantung suka jajan apa nggak, tergantung kmu makan steak tiap hari apa nggak. Biaya ini dihitung kalo kamu blanja dan masak sendiri ya. Kalau makan diluar sih, ga cukup lah, karena skali makan diluar biasanya habis 15-20$. Ya ibaratnya kaya kamu makan di mall di Jakarta tiap hari, bayangin aja bangkrut ga tuh. Hehehe.... 4. Others $$$$$ Ya ini biaya apa kok dollar nya sampe 5? Ini biaya lain-lain seperti travelling atau aktifitas-aktifitas lain atau paling banyak dilakukan adalah shopping. Karena banyak diskon, banyak barang-barang bagus dan lbh murah yang kalau di Indo tuh mahal bgt, dan alasan-alasan lainnya yang bikin kmu spend money.  Jadi bener ga sih mahal? Ya untuk urusan paling mahal memang biaya sewa tempat tinggal alias kost lebih mahal dibanding kota-kota lainnya di Sydney. Kalau dibandingkan Indonesia, biaya tempat tinggal memang super duper mahal, kalau biaya makan sih ga mahal-mahal banget, mnurut ku malah sama aja kaya di Indo, kalau transportasi ya lebih mahal sekitar 50% dibandingkan biaya transportasi di Jakarta ya. EARN!!! Tapi itu semua berbanding sejajar dengan pendapatan kamu di sini. Di Sydney gaji paling rendah itu 12$ per jam, itu cash on hand alias ga pake lapor-lapor TFN (alias pajak). Tapi itu 12$ sih kelewatan yah mnurutku, karena standar nya di Sydney kalau kerjaan cash itu gajinya 15-16$ per jam.
Kalau untuk gaji dengan pajak ya biasa 20$-25$ per jam. Itu kerjaan paling cupu, yg ga ada skill, yang cuma kitchen hand, housekeeping, cashier, waiter dll. Hitung kalau kamu seminggu bisa kerja 30-40 jam aja. Nutup untuk biaya hidup kmu dan masih ada lebihan untuk saving. Jadiii... biaya hidup mahal apa nggak nih menurut kamu....?

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Sydney Skydiving up to 14000ft

14th January, 2020

Okay, i am really excited to do this!!! Its one of my lifetime bucket list and finally i did it!! Skydiving skydiving skydiving! O yeahhh....
Sydney skydive 14,000ft, normally it cost 249$AUD per person, but i booked via Optus Perks and got discounts, just pay 211.65$AUD for 7am departure, but they move me to noon season because no one doing the morning jump that day. Photos and videos package, you need to pay extra 129$AUD. Yes definitely buy the package, its your lifetime experience, you don't wanna miss that, don't you?!!
Check-in time was 10:45, but i arrived early, about 10am, and during that time its only 2 couples and me alone, and once the time passes more and more people check-in (quite amazed that the business is going well, i was thought it's gonna be me alone or some people, but not heaps like this, medium size bus was full...). 11:05am We depart from Sydney CBD which is at 196 Elizabeth St, Surry hills to flying point at Picton.
12:05pm   Exactly 1 hour later, we arrived at 1300 Sydney Skydivers take off point, Picton. If i can comment the bus, the airconn works perfect, there are usb charging inside, but the bus a little bit dusty on the inside.
Once we arrived, they do small tour on the site, where is the toilet, where you can put your bag, where you should gear up, who is your instructor, and about 20-30mins later after gearing up and everything, they gonna train you how to exit from the plane, free fall, and landing. And .... you are ready to go!!! Took a small airplane, take off, exit the plane, fall, and landing! Before jump was so excited, for me, i don't feeling afraid at all. Once the flight was take off, it was a smooth take-off btw, but you start feeling high and a little bit adrenaline rush.

Then after the plane reach certain height level, which is 14000ft, people start to jump off the plane, and seeing people one by one jump off the plane was so WoW! Shortly after the first skydiver jump off the plane,  it comes my turn.
I am not feeling afraid at all during the jump, because you have to lay you head to the back, so you don't get any chance to feeling afraid of looking down. And maybe because the time passed so quickly, and you don't get any chance to feeling afraid. Then a second later, i was flying or you can say falling, and the rush i feel is amazing!!! Only feeling it about 2-3 seconds thou, then you gonna feels slowly falling, no more rush. I was enjoyed the moment i fall, it was amazing. It was cloudy day, feels like i am at the sea of clouds, nothing except white white white everywhere. They said the free fall takes 35-45seconds before they open the parachute.
Until he open the parachute, and you start seeing the land below you. And the instructor did a lot of turning with the parachute and you feel the adrenaline rush moreeeeeee than before, yes you read it right, moreeeee than free fall before!!! Seeing the horizon, seeing the land below, seeing the clouds above, that was OMG!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
01:00pm You are done with everything!! Time to see the pictures and videos. Since i  took the first flight, gonna wait for everyone go finished their jump. Then shortly after, they send your photos and videos directly to your email. 02:10pm Time to drive back. 03:00pm Just back at Sydney CBD. That was amazing experience. Next, i will find myself doing bungee jumping, finger cross!!